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для дергания ногами вроде DTR - EscapeCommFunction (+)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено DASM 22 марта 2005 г. 16:59
В ответ на: тебе на MSDN скинуться ???? (+) отправлено DASM 22 марта 2005 г. 16:55


The EscapeCommFunction function directs a specified communications device to perform an extended function.

BOOL EscapeCommFunction(
DWORD dwFunc

[in] Handle to the communications device. The CreateFile function returns this handle.
[in] Extended function to be performed. This parameter can be one of the following values. Value Meaning
CLRDTR Clears the DTR (data-terminal-ready) signal.
CLRRTS Clears the RTS (request-to-send) signal.
SETDTR Sends the DTR (data-terminal-ready) signal.
SETRTS Sends the RTS (request-to-send) signal.
SETXOFF Causes transmission to act as if an XOFF character has been received.
SETXON Causes transmission to act as if an XON character has been received.
SETBREAK Suspends character transmission and places the transmission line in a break state until the ClearCommBreak function is called (or EscapeCommFunction is called with the CLRBREAK extended function code). The SETBREAK extended function code is identical to the SetCommBreak function. Note that this extended function does not flush data that has not been transmitted.
CLRBREAK Restores character transmission and places the transmission line in a nonbreak state. The CLRBREAK extended function code is identical to the ClearCommBreak function.

Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

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