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Кто соскучился по Фортрану? для вас: AVR ByteForth v2.05 - и исходники на нем для робота рисующего на полу свое имя.
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено avr123.nm.ru 24 февраля 2005 г. 19:08

Ushi is a project from the Ushi working group of the Dutch Forth Chapter. It is designed around three printed circuit boards and
uses a AT90S2313 controller, it is possible to fit a AT90S4433, ATmega8, or ATmega16/32 using a small add on board. Other hardware: IR-receiver/transmitter, floor sensors, and wheel rotation sensors.

Source files and a building book can be downloaded from: http://www.forth.hccnet.nl/pr-ushi.htm

All source code is written in AVR ByteForth version 2.05.
A free version of the compiler may be downloaded from the next page.


The basic software is a BIOS for Ushi's standard hardware and
the basic application is Ushi as in infrared controlled (RC5)
robot with a selfcontrol function where Ushi will not fall from
a table and avoid objects on the table with use of a GP2D02.

Additional software:
- On the floor drawing with penlift, Ushi writes it's own name as a demo.
- Line maze solving robot, Ushi solves a rectangular line maze and
sends the ongoing work and result back to a PC using the IR-transmitter.
- Ushi as a table cleaner, There ushi scan's for cups on the table
and removes them by pushing them over the edge.

Questions to: mailto:w.ouwerkerk@kader.hobby.nl

Ushi source (Feb 21, 2005)

Ushi book [3475.64 KB] (May 10, 2004)


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