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Ответ: This Project Has Been Terminated Because of the difficulty in obtaining Atmel AVR AT90S1200A microprocessors in the UK, and the relatively high cost of this chip compared to the PIC microprocessors from Microchip; this project has been abandoned.
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)
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Отправлено Artym 05 марта 2001 г. 19:41
В ответ на: Несколько иной ракурс наболевшего спора :-) (+) отправлено Анатоль 04 марта 2001 г. 17:32

This Project Has Been Terminated

Because of the difficulty in obtaining Atmel AVR AT90S1200A microprocessors in the UK, and the relatively high cost of this chip compared to the PIC microprocessors from Microchip; this project has been abandoned.

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