К Вашему сведению MPLAB 6 .30 версия новая, баги старые:), но тем не менее версия революционная! (+)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено Make_Pic 05 июля 2003 г. 11:49

This release offers many new, requested features including:
- UNICODE international language support in the editor,
- support for the new PICkit I programmer,
- animate feature,
- PROCMD command line programming for PRO MATE II,
- automatic adjustments of breakpoints on source code modification,
- MPLAB ICE 4000 real-time watch window
- new support for pass counts and breaking on file register R/W for MPLAB
ICD 2 with PIC18Fxxx devices,
- editor bookmarks,
- the ability to add a file to the project from the editor,
- printing from the disassembly window,
- output to file from disassembly window,
- build timestamp in output window,
- directory browse dialog is now "sticky,"
- optionally copying files when adding them to a project, and
- more third party tools support, including IAR, CCS, Byte Craft, B.
Knudsen, and microEngineering Labs

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