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Новости от Microchip. Внимание пользователей MPLAB-ICD (1) ... без комментариев.
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено Builder++ 07 ноября 2002 г. 11:19

Q1: Whether MPLAB v6.xx.xx will support old MPLAB-ICD(1). In this version the support only MPLAB-ICD-2 is retrieved.

A1: No, there are no plans to transfer control of the ICD to MPLAB 6.xx.xx versions. (!!!)


Q2: If the answer on [1] positive, whether that is planned input of support PIC16F87xA in MPLAB-ICD(1).

A2: The ICD2 will support the mid-range components as well as the high
performance components, so the PIC16F87XA devices will be compatible with the ICD2.


Q3. Whether the input of support PIC18XXXXX in MPLAB-ICD (1) is planned, or respected Microchip tries of the users " soft to push " to transition on MPLAB-ICD2? If it so, it seems, that about it it is not necessary to hide. I am sure, that the ambassador of a beginning of realization explaning policies the main group of the developers will replace MPLAB-ICD (1) on new MPLAB-ICD2.

A3: The ICD will not support any devices besides those that it already
supports--the PIC16F87X family. The ICD2 will also support this family.


Q4: It is a lot of requests again to enter a capability of "Animation" at debugging the code.

A4: We will forward your request for animation mode on the ICD2.


Скорее всего насчет MPLAB-ICD1 связано с тем, что с 1-ого Августа 2002 г. на 10 году жизни "скончалась" контора Advanced Transdata, коя в совё время разработала MPLAB-ICD1 для Microchip. подробности на их сайте: www.adv-transdata.com

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