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Лябрус начал распространять FS
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено Алексей Мусин 02 сентября 2002 г. 07:54
В ответ на: Flash File System отправлено krupskij 01 сентября 2002 г. 13:36


µC/FS is written in ANSI C and can be used on virtually any CPU. Some of the features of µC/FS are:

MS-DOS/MS-Windows compatible FAT12 and FAT16 support.

Multiple device driver support. You can use different device drivers with µC/FS, which allows you to access different types of hardware with the file system at the same time.

Multiple media support. A device driver allows you to access different medias at the same time.

OS support. µC/FS can easily be integrated into any OS including µC/OS-II. You can thus make file operations in a multithreaded environment.

ANSI C stdio.h like API for user applications. An application using standard C I/O library can easily be ported to use µC/FS.

Very simple device driver structure. µC/FS device drivers need only very basic functions for reading and writing blocks. Therefore it is
very simple to support your custom hardware.

Generic device driver for SmartMedia cards, which can easily be used with any kind of card reader hardware.

Device Drivers

µC/FS has been designed to cooperate with any kind of hardware. To use a specific hardware with µC/FS, a device driver for that hardware is required. The device driver consists of basic I/O functions for accessing the hardware and a global table, which holds pointers to these functions.

Available drivers are:

RAM disk

(Smart Card)

Windows (used by the Visual C++ demonstration and simulation code)

Drivers available soon:

(Multimedia Card)

CF (Compact Flash)

Hard Disk


CD (Compact Disk)

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