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Tiny File System for FLASH (with sources)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

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Отправлено Sergey Pinigin 01 августа 2002 г. 14:25

Из конференции по UCOS:

Subject: Re: [MicriumNewsGroup] FLASH file system
Hi Mike,
have a look at MicroMonitor which includes a tiny flash file system.
Go to Lucent's Research Software Distribution Web Site
Hope this helps

/* tfs.c:
* Tiny File System
* TFS supports the ability to store/access files in flash. The TFS
* functions provide a command at the monitor's user interface (the
* "tfs" command) as well as a library of functions that are available to
* the monitor/application code on this target (TFS api).

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