[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Ответ: софт для Cirrus Logic ARM
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Отправлено ЮВГ 06 июня 2002 г. 09:19
В ответ на: Народ вот стал вопрос об освоении проциков на основе ARM ядра посоветуйте на проце какой фирмы доступнее всего будет и какой под него софт есть отправлено densh 05 июня 2002 г. 21:45

только демо :-)
Purpose: This development kit is intended as a platform for the development of software applications and porting of operating systems to the CL-PS7500FE. It is also a platform for evaluating the hardware features and capabilities of the part.

Contents: The ps7500fe directory contains data sheets for the development board, documentation (development kit product bulletin, quick start guide, software user’s guide, hardware user’s guide, board diagram, etc.), a library for the sample programs and sample software to help you successfully test and design applications using the CL-PS7500FE chip.

The sdt250 directory contains a 60-day evaluation version of the ARM® Software Development Toolkit Version 2.50.

Welcome to the EBSnetinc demonstration/development kit for the Cogent CDK238/Cirrus EDB7312 development platform.

This kit is intended to demonstrate the capabilities of EBSnetinc's network and kernel
software on this platform through preconfigured demonstration programs as well as to allow the user to
develop their own demonstration applications for this platform using the included
libraries and the source code examples. The libraries are MetaWare Hgh C/C++ compatible. MetaWare
tools can be obtained for a free 30 day trial by contacting http://www.metaware.com.

EBSnet produces a powerful HTML based embedded GUI development kit, an embedded Web browser, a
TCP-IP network stack, a full suite of network applications and protocols, a portable DOS/WIN9X
compatible file system with real time extensions, a CD ROM file system and a high performance real time
operating system. All EBSnet products come with full source code and extensive documentation.
Products are provided royalty free and include 6 months phone and email support by EBSnet's product

The CDK-238 evaluation kit contains API's for the following components that may be used to develop
Non Commercial applications for evaluation on the CDK-238 board.

1. Rtkernel-ARM - RTKernel-ARM is a high performance preemptive multitasking RTOS. Rtkernel-
arm is compatible with Rtkernel-32, leading protected mode x86 RTOS and Cross development kit.
Rtkernel-32 is a stable high performance RTOS with an installed base of over five thousand
developers. Rtkernel-arm has the same API as the other versions of Rtkernel; rtkernel16, Rtkernel32
and Rtkernel-powerpc, making it a true cross platform solution. The following performance
benchmarks were measured on the CDK238 development board. Round robin task switch, 6
microseconds, semaphore task switch, 8.5 microseconds. Signalling from interrupt service and
returning through the scheduler adds 7.2 microseconds to interrupt handlers. Mailbox and message
calls average 8 to 10 microseconds.

2. RTIP - Rtip is the TCP-IP networking component of ARM SDK. This version of RTIP is integrated
with Rtkernel-arm and is targeted for the CDK238 board. Ethernet drivers are provided. Rtip is a
reliable, well documented, true multihomed, multitasking message based network stack that has been
selected for over 650 separate development projects since its introduction in 1993. RTIP includes both
a faithful implementation of the BSD Sockets API and a proprietary message based API that supports
No Copy socket operations.

3. Rtpeg - Rtpeg is an instance of the Portable Embedded Graphics (PEG) GUI development library
that has been optimized for the Rtkernel-arm RTOS and the graphics and peripherals of the CDK238
development board. RTPeg provides a powerful API and developer's framework for embedded
processors that is similar in quality and functionality to MS-Windows. When RTpeg is used in
conjunction with the webC HTML SDK, the combination provides a powerful GUI development
environment that utilizes HTML based technologies to create sophisticated graphical oriented GUI
applications with relative ease.

4. WebC Embedded HTML SDK - WebC is a GUI application development kit that marries the
communications capability of HTTP, markup capabilities of HTML and the flexibility and
performance of C and C++. Webster uses the the Domain Object Model (DOM) to link the HTML
based display and console manager with underlying C++ code. This scheme provides an experience
similar to the use of Javascript in web site design but with much more power. With WebC's DOM
interface a programmer can process HTML events and get and set the contents of HTML objects such
as text boxes, check boxes and buttons. Properties of HTML elements such as position, size, color and
bit map contents can also be changed from the C++ code. The SDK user controls screen layout. The
developer chooses at run time what screen elements (button bars, URL bars and status bars) are
desired and where to place them. screen elements like button bars, URL bars and status bars. All of
the features described below for the Webster Browser are also available in the SDK.

5. Webster Embedded Browser - Webster is a full featured Web Browser that is implemented using
the WebC HTML SDK. Webster supports Frames, Forms, GIFs, animated GIFS, JPEG, Client side
Image Maps. Over 50 HTML tags are supported. Webster can access pages from networked HTML
servers or pages can be compiled in or come from a local physical, rom based or ram based file
system. Secure sockets support is available now. Javascript support is in test All Webster features are
accessible via the WebC Embedded HTML SDK. (A Webster/WebC demo is provided with on the

This kit includes the following directories:

Demos - This directory includes several prebuilt demonstration programs along with the demonstration
source code. These demonstrations have been built using the MetaWare tools and the libraries included in
this kit. Users may use these as templates for designing their own demonstrations. The utilities djmake
and djecho included in this kit's root directory are used to make the demonstrations. Users may substitute
their own make/batch preferences to include the necessary lib and include files.

The demonstrations can be downloaded and run on the platform in several ways.

Using the built in wiggler/JTAG interface the demonstrations may be downloaded over a parallel
connection using either the MetaWare debugger (SeeCode) or with the Macraigor Systems OCD utility.
This utility is included in the OCD directory of the CD and can also be downloaded from Macraigor
systems at http://www.macraigor.com.

The demonstrations may also be loaded over a network connection using bootp/tftp and the
smartFirmware boot monitor.

The SmartFirmware boot monitor is included in rom and will execute on powerup.

Consult the smart firmware users manual in the \docs directory of the CD for options and help.

Several demonstartion programs are included with source code an make files. These programs may
be used as a model and modified to build your own applications. If you have any problems getting started
with any of these libraries or you would like to discuss strategies for using them please email our support
line at support@ebsnetinc.com

The following demonstration programs are included:

1. ClientServer - a network client/server demonstration that includes tcp and udp echo clients
and servers, an icmp echo (ping) client and server, a telnet server, and ftp server, and a web

2. NetExample - a simple TCP/UDP echo server configured at a fixed IP address
( and socket (7). A windows application is included (socktest.exe). This
program may be may be run against the demonstration to provide echo sever and client

3. RobotDemo - a demonstration of RTKernel and the PEG graphics library. The PEG graphics
library can also be demonstrated by executing the EBSnet web client demo.

4. RTKbenchmark - an RTKernel benchmark program which measures the performance
various kernel functions including task switch times, semaphore operations, message
operations, mailbox operations and buffer allocations. Results are displayed in
ticks a high resolution on-chip counter/timer where 1 tick represents approximately 1.9

5. RTKShell - a simple RTKernel application which spawns a user task.

6. RTKSimple - a simple RTKernel application which spawns a task, waits on a semaphore,
and d is activated via the semaphore.

7. WEBCdemo - This applications demonstrates the EBSNet WebC HTML SDK and the
Webster browser capability.

Docs - Documentation and manuals including RTKernel-32 and RTIP and smart firmware documents

Download - flash download utility and rom image sfirm.rom to restore the smart firmware boot
software if it becomes corrupted.

Includes - various header files for building images

Lib - libraries for network, kernel, peg, and web client.

OCD - the Macraigor wiggler/JTAG download and debugger utility.

и так далее....


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