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"A process can create a console by using one of the following methods" (+)

Отправлено Roman M. 21 мая 2007 г. 04:52
В ответ на: Реально ли в visual studio создать консольное приложение с двумя (несколькими) консолями ? Намекните ключевые слова. отправлено bp 20 мая 2007 г. 16:00

· A graphical user interface (GUI) or console process that is not currently attached to a console can use the AllocConsole function to create a new console.
· A GUI or console process can use the CreateProcess function to create a new console process and specify a flag to tell the system to create a new console.

Typically, a process uses AllocConsole to create a console when an error occurs requiring interaction with the user. For example, a GUI process can create a console when an error occurs that prevents it from using its normal graphical interface, or a console process that does not normally interact with the user can create a console when an error makes it necessary. The process that calls AllocConsole must not be attached to an existing console. GUI processes are not attached to any console when they are created. A console process is not attached to a console if the DETACHED_PROCESS flag was specified in a call to CreateProcess when the process was created. A process can use the FreeConsole function to detach itself from an inherited console or from a console created by AllocConsole.
A process can also create a console by specifying the CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE flag in a call to CreateProcess.

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