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(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено АДИКМ 19 сентября 2006 г. 15:10
В ответ на: Не удается запустить ADC12 в MSP430 по Таймеру А(+) отправлено misyachniy 19 сентября 2006 г. 14:10

; MSP-FET430P140 Demo - ADC12, Sample A10 Temp, Set P1.0 if Temp ++ ~2C
; Description: Use ADC12 and the integrated temperature sensor to detect
; temperature gradients. The temperature sensor output voltage is sampled
; ~ every 80ms and compared with the defined delta values using an ISR.
; (ADC12OSC/256)/ determines sample time which needs to be greater than
; 30us for temperature sensor.
; ADC12 is operated in repeat-single channel mode with the sample and
; convert trigger sourced from Timer_A CCR1. The ADC12MEM)_IFG at the end
; of each conversion will trigger an ISR.
; ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK = default DCO ~800kHz, ADC12CLK = ADC12OSC
; MSP430F149
; -----------------
; /|\| XIN|-
; | | |
; --|RST XOUT|-
; | |
; |A10 P1.0|-->LED
ADCDeltaOn EQU 12 ; ~ 2 Deg C delta for LED on
; M. Buccini
; Texas Instruments Inc.
; Feb 2005
; Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 3.21A
ORG 01100h ; Program Start
RESET mov.w #0A00h,SP ; Initialize stackpointer
mov.w #WDTPW+WDTHOLD,WDTCTL ; Stop watchdog
mov.w #SHS_1+SHP+CONSEQ_2,&ADC12CTL1 ; TA trig., rpt conv
mov.b #SREF_1+INCH_10,&ADC12MCTL0 ; Channel A10, Vref+
bis.w #001h,&ADC12IE ; Enable ADC12IFG.0
mov.w #SHT0_8+REF2_5V+REFON+ADC12ON,&ADC12CTL0 ; Config ADC12
mov.w #13600,&TACCR0 ; Delay to allow Ref to settle
bis.w #CCIE,&TACCTL0 ; Compare-mode interrupt.
mov.w #TACLR+MC_1+TASSEL_2,&TACTL; up mode, SMCLK
bis.w #LPM0+GIE,SR ; Enter LPM0, Enable interrupts
bic.w #CCIE,&TACCTL0 ; Disable timer interrupt
dint ; Disable Interrupts
bis.w #ENC,&ADC12CTL0 ; Config ADC12
mov.w #OUTMOD_4,&TACCTL1 ; Toggle on EQU1 (TAR = 0)
mov.w #TASSEL_2+MC_2,&TACTL ; SMCLK, cont-mode
ADC_Wait bit.w #001h,&ADC12IFG ; First conversion?
jz ADC_Wait
mov.w &ADC12MEM0,R4 ; Read out 1st ADC value
add.w #ADCDeltaOn,R4 ;
clr.b &P1OUT ; Clear P1
bis.b #01h,&P1DIR ; P1.0 as output
Mainloop bis.w #LPM0+GIE,SR ; Enter LPM0, enable interrupts
nop ; Required only for debugger
clr &TACTL ; clear Timer_A control registers
bic #LPM0,0(SP) ; Exit LPMx, interrupts enabled
reti ;
cmp.w R4,&ADC12MEM0 ; ADC12MEM0 = A10 > R4
jlo ADC_ISR_1 ; Again
bis.b #01h,&P1OUT ; P1.0 = 1
reti ;
ADC_ISR_1 bic.b #01h,&P1OUT ; P1.0 = 0
reti ;
; Interrupt Vectors Used MSP430x13x/14x/15x/16x
ORG 0FFFEh ; MSP430 RESET Vector
ORG 0FFEEh ; ADC12 Vector
ORG 0FFECh ; Timer_A0 Vector

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