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(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено adw 26 июля 2006 г. 14:12
В ответ на: Вот - дарю полезные макросы для AVR-assma. При отладке программ очень помогают (+) отправлено Assm 26 июля 2006 г. 13:51

Мне их прислал какой-то мужик, скорее всего его инициалы R.G.F., отчего и название файла такое.

;Created: 8/5/97

;Note on use of labels within Macros:
; Labels ARE allowed within macros for use in doing relative branches.
; They do not conflict with each other even with multiple invocations
; of the same macro.

;First, a complete list of all 64 macros contained herein, with usage.
; ADDI r16,$55 ;(valid: ZN) add the value $55 into r20
; ABS r0 ;(valid: ZN) give abs-value of signed 8-bit
; MUL8X8 r0,r1,r2 ;unsigned R0 * R1. R0 preserved, R2:R1 is result

;MIXED 8/16-BIT: (these require a spare high register. Valid: N.)
; ADS8_16 d_hi,d_lo,temp,src ;SIGNED add of an 8 to a 16
; SBS8_16 d_hi,d_lo,temp,src ;SIGNED subtr of an 8 from a 16

;16-BIT: (If R17:R16 specified, must use upper registers, otherwise use any.)
; LDI16 r17,r16,-4555 ;loads r17:r16 (hi,lo) w/ a constant value.
; ADD16 r1,r0,r3,r2 ;r1:r0 = r1:r0 + r3:r2. Signed or unsigned.
; ADDI16 r17,r16,$4b32 ;r17:r16 = r17:r16 + K. Signed or unsigned.
; SUB16 r1,r0,r3,r2 ;r1:r0 = r1:r0 - r3:r2. Signed or unsigned. Z valid.
; SUBI16 r17,r16,10000 ;r17:r16 = r17:r16 - K. Signed or unsigned. Z valid.
; CP16 r1,r0,r3,r2 ;compare r1:r0 w/ r3:r2. Flags same as CP opcode.
; CPI16 r17,r16,temp,0x5555 ;compare r17:r16 w/ K. Flags same as CP opcode.
; ABS16 r1,r0 ;convert r1:r0 into its absolute value.
; EXTD16 r1,r0 ;Sign-extend r0 into r1. Valid flag: N.
; NEG16 r1,r0 ;Negate (2's-complement) r1:r0. Valid flag: N
; ASR16 r1,r0 ;shift SIGNED 16-bit value down (divide by 2).
; SHFR16 r1,r0 ;Shift (hi:lo) down one bit w/ zero-fill top.
; SHFL16 r1,r0 ;Shift (hi:lo) up one bit w/ zero-fill bottom.




; DOUBLENOP ;Wait two cycles in one instruction.

;Note that the ADDWI/SUBWI thru ADDZI/SUBWI are not the same as the
; native ADIW opcode. These are full 16-bit operands.

.def ZH =r31
.def ZL =r30
.def YH =r29
.def YL =r28
.def XH =r27
.def XL =r26
.def WH =r25
.def WL =r24

.macro ADDI ;Adds an 8 bit immediate to a register
subi @0,-@1 ;subtract negative value

;Example -> ADDI r20,$55 ;add the value $55 to r20

.macro ABS
sbrc @0,7 ;if bit clr, already is positive
neg @0

.macro ADS8_16 ;usage: ADS8_16 dest_hi, dest_lo, temp, src
clr @2 ;sign-extend src
sbrc @3,7
ser @2
add @1,@3 ;add low bytes
adc @0,@2

.macro SBS8_16 ;usage: SBS8_16 dest_hi, dest_lo, temp, src
clr @2
sbrc @3,7
ser @2
sub @1,@3 ;subtract lower bytes
sbc @0,@2

.macro CP16 ;if equal, Z flag is set. If neg, C is set
cp @1,@3 ;Compare low bytes
cpc @0,@2 ;Compare high bytes w/carry propagation

.macro CPI16 ;usage: CPI16 dest_hi, dest_lo, temp, src
cpi @1,low(@3) ;Compare low byte
ldi @2,high(@3) ;move hi into a temp reg, no CPCI opcode!
cpc @0,@2 ;Compare high bytes

.macro PUSHW
push WH
push WL

.macro POPW
pop WL
pop WH

.macro PUSHX
push XH
push XL

.macro POPX
pop XL
pop XH

.macro PUSHY
push YH
push YL

.macro POPY
pop YL
pop YH

.macro PUSHZ
push ZH
push ZL

.macro POPZ
pop ZL
pop ZH

.macro NEG16
neg @0 ;negate hi
neg @1 ;negate low
breq ENDneg16
dec @0

; com @1 ;this variant uses high registers
; com @0 ;
; subi @1,$FF ;
; sbci @0,$FF ;


.macro EXTD16
clr @0 ;clear hi byte
sbrc @1,7 ;skip if positive now
com @0 ;leave with 'N' flag valid

.macro ABS16
tst @0 ;test neg flag of upper byte
brpl ENDabs16 ;if positive, exit
neg @0 ;2's-comp high byte
neg @1 ; and low byte.
breq ENDabs16 ;If low is 0, exit, else dec upper
dec @0

.macro ADDI16 ;Adds a 16 bit immediate to a
;16 bit register variable
subi @1,low(-@2) ;subtract negative low byte
sbci @0,high(-@2) ;subtract negative high byte with carry

;Example -> ADDI16 r21,r20,$4b32 ;add the value $4b32 to r21:r20

.macro ADD16
add @1, @3 ;Add low bytes
adc @0, @2 ;Add high bytes with carry

.macro SUBI16 ;Subtracts a 16 bit immediate from
;a 16 bit register variable
subi @1,low(@2) ;Subtract low byte
sbci @0,high(@2) ;Subtract high byte with carry

;Example -> SUBI16 r21,r20,10000 ;subtracts 10000 from r21:r20

.macro SUB16
sub @1,@3 ;Subtract low bytes
sbc @0,@2 ;Add high byte with carry

.macro LDI16 ;Loads a 16 bit immediate to a 16 bit
;register variable
ldi @1,low(@2) ;Subtract low byte
ldi @0,high(@2) ;Subtract high byte with carry

;Example -> LDI16 r17,r16,-4555 ;loads r17:r16 with -4555

.macro LDW ;Load the W-pointer with a 16 bit value
ldi WL,low(@0) ;Load low byte
ldi WH,high(@0) ;Load high byte

;Example -> LDW $0020 ;W points to start of user SRAM

.macro LDX ;Load the X-pointer with a 16 bit value
ldi XL,low(@0) ;Load low byte
ldi XH,high(@0) ;Load high byte

;Example -> LDX $0020 ;X points to start of user SRAM

.macro LDY ;Load the Y-pointer with a 16 bit value
ldi YL,low(@0) ;Load low byte
ldi YH,high(@0) ;Load high byte

;Example -> LDY $ffff ;Y points to end of external SRAM

.macro LDZ ;Load the Z-pointer with a 16 bit value
ldi ZL,low(@0) ;Load low byte
ldi ZH,high(@0) ;Load high byte

;Example -> LDZ TABLE_START ;Z points to label TABLE_START

.macro CLRW ;Clear the W-reg
clr WH ;Clear W high byte
clr WL ;Clear W low byte

.macro CLRX ;Clear the X-pointer
clr XH ;Clear X-pointer high byte
clr XL ;Clear X-pointer low byte

.macro CLRY ;Clear the Y-pointer
clr YH ;Clear Y-pointer high byte
clr YL ;clear Y-pointer low byte

.macro CLRZ ;Clear the Z-pointer
clr YH ;Clear Z-pointer high byte
clr YL ;Clear Z-pointer low byte

.macro ADDWI ;Add an immediate to the W-reg
subi WL,low(-@0) ;Add immediate low byte to WL
sbci WH,high(-@0) ;Add immediate high byte with carry to WH

;Example -> ADDWI 750 ;Increase W by 750

.macro SUBWI ;Subtract an immediate from the W-reg
subi WL,low(@0) ;Subtract immediate low byte from WL
sbci WH,high(@0) ;Sub immediate high byte with carry from WH

;Example -> SUBWI REC_SIZE ;Decrease W by value REC_SIZE

.macro ADDXI ;Add an immediate to the X-pointer
subi XL,low(-@0) ;Add immediate low byte to XL
sbci XH,high(-@0) ;Add immediate high byte with carry to XH

;Example -> ADDXI 750 ;Increase X-pointer by 750

.macro SUBXI ;Subtract an immediate from the X-pointer
subi XL,low(@0) ;Subtract immediate low byte from XL
sbci XH,high(@0) ;Subtract immediate high byte with carry from XH

;Example -> SUBXI REC_SIZE ;Decrease X-pointer by value REC_SIZE

.macro ADDYI ;Add an immediate to the Y-pointer
subi YL,low(-@0) ;Add immediate low byte to YL
sbci YH,high(-@0) ;Add immediate high byte with carry to YH

.macro SUBYI ;Subtract an immediate from the Y-pointer
subi YL,low(@0) ;Subtract immediate low byte from YL
sbci YH,high(@0) ;Subtract immediate high byte with carry from YH

.macro ADDZI ;Add an immediate to the Z-pointer
subi ZL,low(-@0) ;Add immediate low byte to ZL
sbci ZH,high(-@0) ;Add immediate high byte with carry to ZH

.macro ADDZ8 ;Add an eight-bit register to the Z-pointer
add ZL,@0 ;Add register to ZL
.set _addz8_l0 = PC+2 ;
brcc _addz8_l0 ;
inc Zh ;Inc ZH if carry

.macro SUBZI ;Subtract an immediate from the Z-pointer
subi ZL,low(@0) ;Subtract immediate low byte from ZL
sbci ZH,high(@0) ;Subtract immediate high byte with carry from ZH

.macro INCW ;Increment the W-reg
adiw WL,1

.macro INCX ;Increment the X-pointer
adiw XL,1

.macro INCY ;Increment the Y-pointer
adiw YL,1

.macro INCZ ;Increment the Z-pointer
adiw ZL,1

.macro DECW ;Decrement the W-reg
subi WL,1
sbci WH,0

.macro DECX ;Decrement the X-pointer
subi XL,1
sbci XH,0

.macro DECY ;Decrement the Y-pointer
subi YL,1
sbci YH,0

.macro DECZ ;Decrement the Z-pointer
subi ZL,1
sbci ZH,0

.macro ASR16
asr @0 ;hi-byte's D7-1 down, D7 preserved, D0 to C
ror @1 ;C into bit 7, all else move down

.macro SHFR16
lsr @0 ;hi-byte down, zero-fill, low bit to C
ror @1 ;C into bit 7, all else move down

.macro SHFRZ
lsr ZH ;hi-byte down, zero-fill, low bit to C
ror ZL ;C into bit 7, all else move down

.macro SHFRY
lsr YH ;hi-byte down, zero-fill, low bit to C
ror YL ;C into bit 7, all else move down

.macro SHFRX
lsr XH ;hi-byte down, zero-fill, low bit to C
ror XL ;C into bit 7, all else move down

.macro SHFRW
lsr WH ;hi-byte down, zero-fill, low bit to C
ror WL ;C into bit 7, all else move down

.macro SHFL16
lsl @1 ;move low byte up one bit, zero fill, bit7->C
rol @0 ;move C into bit0, all else up one bit

.macro SHFLZ
lsl ZL ;move low byte up one bit, zero fill, bit7->C
rol ZH ;move C into bit0, all else up one bit

.macro SHFLY
lsl YL ;move low byte up one bit, zero fill, bit7->C
rol YH ;move C into bit0, all else up one bit

.macro SHFLX
lsl XL ;move low byte up one bit, zero fill, bit7->C
rol XH ;move C into bit0, all else up one bit

.macro SHFLW
lsl WL ;move low byte up one bit, zero fill, bit7->C
rol WH ;move C into bit0, all else up one bit

.macro MUL8X8" - 'FAST' 8x8 Bit Unsigned Multiplication (non-looped)
;Multiplicand is in @0 register. Multiplier is @1 register. Low result
; ends up in @1 reg (overwrites multiplier), hi rslt in @2 register.
clr @2 ;clear result High byte
lsr @1 ;move bit0 to C flag

brcc skipd0 ;if no C, don't add
add @2,@0 ;add multiplicand to result High byte
skipd0: ror @2 ;shift right result High byte
ror @1 ;rotate right result L byte and multiplier

brcc skipd1
add @2,@0
skipd1: ror @2
ror @1

brcc skipd2
add @2,@0
skipd2: ror @2
ror @1

brcc skipd3
add @2,@0
skipd3: ror @2
ror @1

brcc skipd4
add @2,@0
skipd4: ror @2
ror @1

brcc skipd5
add @2,@0
skipd5: ror @2
ror @1

brcc skipd6
add @2,@0
skipd6: ror @2
ror @1

brcc skipd7
add @2,@0
skipd7: ror @2
ror @1

;skip next instruction if equal to zero
.macro SKIPEQ
.set _skipeq = PC+2
breq _skipeq

;skip next instruction if not equal to zero
.macro SKIPNE
.set _skipne = PC+2
brne _skipne

;skip next instruction if carry set
.macro SKIPCS
.set _skipcs = PC+2
brcs _skipcs

;skip next instruction if carry clear
.macro SKIPCC
.set _skipcc = PC+2
brcc _skipcc

;skip next instruction if lower
.macro SKIPLO
.set _skiplo = PC+2
brlo _skiplo

;skip next instruction if same or higher
.macro SKIPSH
.set _skipsh = PC+2
brsh _skipsh

;skip next instruction if minus
.macro SKIPMI
.set _skipmi = PC+2
brmi _skipmi

;skip next instruction if plus
.macro SKIPPL
.set _skippl = PC+2
brpl _skippl

;skip next instruction if no overflow
.macro SKIPVC
.set _skipvc = PC+2
brvc _skipvc

;skip next instruction if overflow
.macro SKIPVS
.set _skipvs = PC+2
brvs _skipvs

;skip next instruction if greater or equal
.macro SKIPGE
.set _skipge = PC+2
brge _skipge

;skip next instruction if lower then
.macro SKIPLT
.set _skiplt = PC+2
brlt _skiplt

;skip next instruction if T set
.macro SKIPTS
.set _skipts = PC+2
brts _skipts

;skip next instruction if T cleared
.macro SKIPTC
.set _skiptc = PC+2
brtc _skiptc

;skip next instruction unconditionally
.macro SKIP
.set _skip = PC+2
rjmp _skip

;wait two cycles but waste only one instruction
.set _doublenop = PC+1
rjmp _doublenop

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