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По оригиналу дело было в Испании(:-)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено GM 07 июля 2006 г. 18:09
В ответ на: Поправку принято ;-) отправлено misyachniy 07 июля 2006 г. 17:42

It was between American and Spanish people on radio frequency “Extreme situations in the Ocean” in navigation channel 106 in Galicia in 1997.
Spanish: A-853 speaking, please turn 15 degrees to the south, you are heading directly towards us. Distance is 25 miles.
Americans: We highly recommend you to turn 15 degrees to the north to avoid crash.
Spanish: Negative answer, please turn 15 degrees to the south to avoid crash
Americans: (other voice): Capitan of the US battleship speaking. Turn 15 degrees to the north to avoid crash
Spanish: We do not think that your proposition is adequate, so we recommend you to turn 15 degrees to the south.
Americans: This is Capitan Richard James Howard, commander Navy’s USA aircraft-carrier USS LINKOLN, which is second biggest ship in US army. We are accompanied with 2 cruisers, 6 destroyers, and 4 submarines. I‘m not asking, I insist on your turning to the north. In other case we will “clean up” our way.
Spanish: This is Huan Garcia Manuel Alatrava. I’m accompanied with 2 persons, dinner, 2 bottles of vine, and canary, which is now sleeping. We are supported by radio frequency “Extreme situations in the Ocean”. We WILL NOT move anywhere, because we are located in the land and we are lighthouse A-853 of the Galician coast of Spain. We do not have any ideas on how big is our lighthouse according to the all other ones. And now you may “clean up” way to your f@$%ng ship. We do not care, because you will crash soon into the mountains.
Americans: Ok thank you.

Моя училка сказала, что это якобы переведено с русского(:-).

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