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Сам стандарт платный, но кое-что нарыл :)
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено CD_Eater 18 мая 2006 г. 15:23
В ответ на: Просто даташит на MC33290 (сам стандарт в чистом виде не видел) отправлено CD_Eater 18 мая 2006 г. 13:24

Q.: Does anyone have a copy of the 9141-2 standard? i require this document for a university project and i cant afford to buy the standard from ISO.

A.: As profi company we was buying all the standard . They are all copyrighted (our name printed onthis ). Sharing this is naturally not so fair. But there is really a litte info in those and things are always refered to other standard. I am sure you will not find what you are looking for in this standard. Send also 0x33 at 5 Baud and switch to 10.4 kb for listening you get 0x55 kw1 and kw2 and you send back to complement of kw2 and finally you get the complement of 0x33 ( 0xCC ) that you was sending out at 5 Baud. you use the litte timeout 50 ms for receiving. When you respond you must give to ECU enough time ( 25 ms ). and finally if you get 0x08 0x08 as keyword . it is normal ISO with interbyte time and if 0x94 0x94 are returned you must consider no interbyte time.
it is all what you can find in ISO9141-2 ( as readable )

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