Вот, что мне намылили про гуглю.
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)

миниатюрный аудио-видеорекордер mAVR

Отправлено P_Andrey 01 сентября 2005 г. 18:09
В ответ на: maps.google.com теперь на мобильнике можно смотреть по жпрс! отправлено <font color=gray>Полный OFF</font> 01 сентября 2005 г. 16:51

Сорьки, но рихтовать влом.

> SZ> Currently this is about 80 percent effective in fixing the IP number
to a major city, and over 90 percent in fixing it to a country.
> SZ>
> SZ> Another important aspect is the search terms used to query search
engines. These terms are absolute pearls; they are a succinct window into
the Internet user's interests and state of mind at a particular point in
time. Cluster analysis that uses geolocation along with search terms would
provide an insight into a society and its subcultures.
> SZ>
> SZ> Chinese officials may be worried that Google logs all search terms
together with the IP number, a time stamp, a unique cookie ID, and browser
information. If this information is available to the National Security
Agency from Google -- and current U.S. laws almost require Google to provide
this information to the feds, especially when the Internet user is a
non-U.S. citizen in a country that's of national security interest to the
U.S. -- then China may be well-advised to block the use of U.S. engines to
protect their own national security.
> SZ>
> SZ> The NSA, if it gets this information straight from Google, is
operating at a level of efficiency much greater than Chinese officials
themselves, who must intercept and collate such information by monitoring
the packet stream. This puts the NSA at a tremendous advantage in
determining where pro-U.S. sentiment may exist in China.

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