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Reliability implications of Permanently Enabling 5V SRAMs
(«Телесистемы»: Конференция «Микроконтроллеры и их применение»)
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Отправлено AK 31 августа 2001 г. 09:24

Cypress publication, August 2001:
Leaving 5V-unregulated Fast Asynchronous SRAMs in a powered-on (enabled) idle state for long periods of time can cause permanent damage to the part.
The problem arises in customer applications which keep the SRAM in powered-on idle state for long period of time, with address bits that go unchanged. Faileres are observed at bits corresponding to the address row within the SRAM. Faileres have been only observed in applications with system voltages of at least 5V.
... if device is held in this condition, typically a year or longer, the constant current flow can gradually degrade the transistors to the point of failure. The minimum duration over which this degradation occurs depends strongly on the applied voltage and transistor dimensions.

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